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Did the Hottest October on Record Damage Your Sex Life?

The past couple of days have been so wonderful…a crispness in the air that comes with Fall. The ability to wear a jacket, a scarf and even close-toed shoes or boots. This is my California. For years, this was the weather we experienced all year round, even in the summer. It was a common practice to keep a light jacket with me, for cool summer evenings.

We did not experience that, this year. It was hot. Blazing hot! There were days when driving into my garage, my car’s outside thermometer read 100 and 106. And I live a few blocks from the beach! It was miserable. Gone were the ocean breezes and the cool air, even into October, which for Long Beach was the hottest October on record. Most of Long Beach does not have air conditioning, because it was never really necessary. Schools were too hot for kids to concentrate, a city mandate set early release for several days, during the heat wave.

In the study, “Maybe Next Month? Temperature Shocks, Climate Change, and Dynamic Adjustments in Birth Rates,” by the National Bureau of Economic Research, it was found that on days where the temperature exceeded 80 degrees F there was a large decline in births eight to ten months later. So I have to ask, is global warming damaging your sex life?

I can understand why. It is hot, it is sticky and when I feel like that, the last thing I want, is to be touched. I want to be in a chilly movie theater. According to the survey, I must not be the only one. Apparently this is a trend. So as we move into a warmer world, what can be done about it, so that your sex life doesn’t suffer?

Get creative. Here are some ideas:
1. Sex in the early morning may be a cooler option than at night, after an exhaustingly hot day. Set the alarm for play time or wake your partner in a sexy way. Plus, early morning light is quite flattering.
2. Try temperature play- ice can add a coolness, that is quite arousing. Inserting ice cubes into the vagina is erotic and also tightens the canal, for a new experience.
3. Take advantage of the shower. Yes, water conservation is key, but so are orgasms! We don’t want everyone walking around (I mean driving-duh, it is LA) irritated, so skip watering the lawn and jump in the shower with your lover or your favorite waterproof toy and enjoy! Plus the water will mask the sounds from the kiddos who are home because it is too hot in the classroom!

We will continue to have hot summers with global warming, but hopefully with these tips, sexy time will continue. And on a positive note- El Nino is coming, and sex in the rain is a personal favorite of mine!

A Bientot!