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Bryan Caicedo

New York City Sex Toy Parties  Originally from Aruba, I moved to New York and have been making it a sexier world since.  I am a DJ, Marketing Manager, and an Independent Sexinista.

I consider myself a non-binary and a firm believer that one does not need labels; we should open our minds to explore intimacy and live stigma-free.  I’ve been through a lot in the past where I was sexually abused but found pleasure more attractive while incorporating adult toys in my self-pleasure time, which helped me during my healing process.

My journey has inspired me to educate others to find pleasure in these toys. Sex education in most countries around the globe is unbelievably inadequate, and men and women alike are suffering throughout their sex lives as a result.  Adult toys have lost much of their stigma due to many online stores where the toys are not safe for the body and are ostentatiously pricey for what they are. 

My mission is to change the way sex is talked about and to educate and entice people to have more pleasurable, fulfilling, and healthy sex lives by including our adult toys in their sex lives that are designed to hit upon the right pleasure points and reduce your ‘workload.’

Through my experience and knowledge about adult toys, I can guide you towards healthy sex with our adult toys, having magnificent bliss as a result.  Taking good to great, take being skillful to become masterful!  

Book your private Sexy Soirée with me or an online product consultation.

picture Bryan Calcedo