Attention Cancer Survivors! If you are struggling with feeling sexy after treatment, Click here to join our case study program.


Making Dallas a Sexier World!

Hi there, Sexy!

Thank you for taking this step to sexual liberation by visiting my page!!!  I believe that we are worthy of pleasure, love, peace and fulfillment and we can achieve this through giving ourselves permission to take action! First off is to learn what brings you pleasure and I’m excited to be your guide on this journey, one that I’m on too, the fun thing about it is that it is each destination point leads you on a new adventure. I’ve learned so much about my body, my desires, my emotions, my strength and life meaning through connecting with my sexual power and I want the same for you!

Like many of us I grew up being implicitly and explicitly told that sexual pleasure was for men and masturbation was shameful. I had a lot of fear around my sexuality and sex in general. Along the way I had some wonderful partners who helped me work through some of this but most of the work I did for myself and self-pleasure has been a way for me to heal from those toxic messages and truly learn to love my body. I believe in this so strongly that I created a podcast called the Shameless Sexual Revolution in which women gather and talk about our sexualities, desires, fears, fantasies and kinks.

As women connect and speak of pleasure something magical happens- we are able to shed all of the roles we carry every day- roles we treasure but nonetheless also burden us, and become human beings. Sexuality and the connection to this core allows us to form an oasis full of fun, play, and pure enjoyment. I believe we all have the ability to access this amazing place and I want to help you find it! I connected with Entice Me to allow me to introduce you to a line of amazing sexual wellness products that will facilitate your journey to sexual freedom.

As a Licensed Counselor in the state of Texas I can work with you therapeutically or if you are not a resident of Texas, I am happy to be your coach along your path. I am also available for sexy soirees where we can all gather and learn about Entice Me’s products!

My desire for you is to know you are worthy of love, pleasure, joy, and peace through connection with your body. Let’s get started!– Terah
