Art That Tells a Story

I was recently introduced to the sensual art of Veronica Blanco of Toronto, Canada. I love featuring other women in business and the adult industry. I recently caught up with Veronica for an interview. I was so intrigued about her inspiration.
Veronica, I love your work, what is your background?
I’ve always been painting, ever since I could hold a crayon in my hand! During high school I knew I wanted to take it seriously, so I enrolled in art school and soon received my Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours from York University in 2014.
Tell me about a day in the life of an artist?
When I have the full day to work on my artwork, I usually divide my day into several tasks: planning my monthly and weekly schedule and goals, writing blog posts/newsletters, responding to emails, marketing my work on social media, updating my website, taking photos of my work in progress, sketching out ideas and painting. Some days I focus more on admin work than painting but I try to make sure I paint each day.
I love that you paint each day. It is so important that we do something that fires us up everyday. I try to self-pleasure each day, but I don’t always get to it. All the admin tasks take up a lot of time. Tell me more about your art.
My work is passionately personal, a visual examination of love and relationships. I explore the intimacy, passion and even struggles between couples. I’m intrigued by the power of the human figure to allure us and the messages found in body language.
What lead you to this style and content?
I’ve always been fascinated by the human figure and the many different ways to depict it. Throughout art school, I found myself constantly abstracting the form and studying body language. After graduating in 2014, I continued this exploration and painted abstracted figures, studying the form and blending figures into each other. This led me to paint couples. After about 3 paintings, I knew I found a subject that I enjoyed and had endless opportunities to explore the figure. Now, years later, I’m continuing to focus my work on love and relationships.
The human body is beautiful, but for me, drawing people, equates to stick figures! I am in awe of your talent. The rawness of the images is so erotic. Where do you get your inspiration?
I’m inspired from personal moments and the people around me. Whichever embrace or moment that interests me, I try my best to depict with paint. The couples in my paintings are a representation of all couples, which is why I leave out facial characteristics in my work.
What has been the most challenging about being an artist?
At the moment I’ve not yet become a full time artist, so living entirely on my art sales is a struggle. I’m lucky to have exhibited at art shows and have an online presence. I am hoping to be a full time artist in the future.
What are three things you’ve told yourself that keep you going?
1) I’m doing what I love
2) I have the drive to create
3) I have a lot of ideas I’d like to explore
Can you tell me about your ideal clientele?
My ideal client is anyone who is accepting about sexuality and romance in their home. I’ve had issues before where my artwork offended people and my work had to be taken down because it was deemed “too explicit.” Today, I’m lucky to have a number of supporters who appreciate my artwork.
I know how you feel on that. It blows me away that people still push sex and sexuality under the rug. I am glad we are working to change that! I have a friend who does extremely well marketing his art on Instagram. Instagram seems to be more open-minded, at the moment, than some of the other platforms.
How do people find you?
I sell my artwork on my website, and I’m available on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @vblancoart Make sure to check out all her work! I want it all over my house!
Anything else you would like to share with the Entice Me fans?
I’m available for private commissioned pieces, where you can have original artwork made catered to your own personal needs and requirements. With commissioned artwork, you decide on the colours, size, style and materials. There’s no limitations with private commissioned work; it can be clothed or nude. More information can be found on my website.
Thanks for taking time to chat with us, Veronica! À bientôt,