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Intimacy Assessment


Every relationship can always improve, no matter how great it is! Have you ever had a relationship assessment?

We often assess areas of our lives like work/career, finances, health/wellness, family, etc.

But when was the last time you took a good look at your intimate relationship?

You may not even know where to begin. Well, fortunately for you, I do. I have spend decades examining and assessing intimate relationships so that couples can achieve insane fulfillment.

Yes, insane! It can be that good! What does that even look like?

Imagine conjuring up erotic thoughts and smiles when you recall last night.  Your body tingling from the passion. Going through your day excited to see you partner instead of worrying about what could set them off.  Being able to express your true needs, wants, and desires so that you are satisfied every time.

That is only the beginning.

How does this work? Each of you receives a dedicated private session with me, Tiffany Yelverton- the founder of Entice Me,  where I gather data and information then I compile a complete analysis of ways to move forward toward your combined goals. You will receive recommendations and suggestions to implement immediately.

Plus, I will provide additional options to really supercharge your relationship for the future.

Once you make your purchase, our team will send you a link within 24 hours to book your intake sessions!


P.S. This is an incredible value, as the amount of time and effort put into this assessment,  my clients invest thousands of dollars to spend with me in VIP Days.


Entice Me
