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The Importance of Testosterone in Women

Many women come to me with complaints of lack of desire. No desire to have sex. After all, 52% of women prefer chocolate to sex. This can cause a myriad of issues, not just in intimate relationships. When we lack desire, self-care and self-pleasure are often neglected, which can lead to lowered self-confidence and thus decreased abundance in life. 

It is important to find the underlying cause. Is it hormonal, psychological, emotional, or a combination? Today I will be focusing on the hormonal component, specifically testosterone. Yes, women need testosterone to function. Not the levels of men, but testosterone is key in libido. Lack of the correct levels of testosterone are also linked to thinning skin, fatigue, brain fog, vaginal dryness, lean muscle loss, and overall diminished feelings of well being. 

A note about the CORRECT levels of testosterone. I am not a doctor*, what I am sharing is from personal experience and from what I have learned from doctors and in my own research. Conventional western doctors have no way to provide testosterone for women, so they do not test for it. They also rely on what is typical for an age group, not what is optimal. Typical is that all the above symptoms are normal and “part of life.” I now know that it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Three years ago, after listening to Dr. Gail Jackson speak many times about bio-identical hormones, I decided to get checked. I was experiencing extreme fatigue, needing to nap everyday, I was putting on weight around my middle, I often felt like I was in a mental daze. My long-time OB-Gyn suggested I go back on hormonal birth control pills. She told me I would feel so much better. Now, this was 6 years after I went off the Pill because I didn’t want synthetic hormones in my body, so I was appalled, to be frank. That is the last thing I wanted to do. 

I had my blood work done at my insurance approved lab (more on this in a bit) and then Dr. Gail reviewed my results, along with my symptoms. My testosterone was 15. Pretty typical for peri-menopause, from what I have learned, and not as low as women closer to menopause. After all I still had a sex drive. I was recently speaking to a friend in her 30’s and her doctor told her 15 was good. Good for what? The optimal levels for women are much higher, at least 50.

Dr. Gail uses bio-identical hormones that are derived from plant sources and readily accepted by the body, in the form of a pellet that is inserted subcutaneously under the skin. It slowly dissolves over 4-6 months. Many functional medical doctors suggest creams and pills, however that is a lot of work and require more product. I like to minimize product packaging, personally and streamline my daily routines. Plus, testosterone cream has to be put on an area where it won’t come in contact with other people, such as children, because it can transfer, and some people experience hair growth at the application site. She balanced my hormones, according to my 30-day blood work, and I felt amazing! Within a few days, I felt alive again- no fog, clear head, motivated and awake, and I could wear my bra on a tighter hook! It is important to feel to be my best so that I can support myself and my clients. 

Now I get my pellets every 4-5 months. I know when it has been too long. I start to feel sluggish and even my sex drive waning. I have recently been introduced to a new way to have blood work completed, from the comfort of my own home. I think this is a brilliant way test. It isn’t for the faint of heart, meaning if you don’t like to see your own blood, this wouldn’t be for you.** allows you to prick your finger, fill a vial, and send in your blood to an accredited lab. It has been awhile since I have had blood work done, so I am giving it a try. I sent in my Male Hormone Test last Wednesday and am waiting on the results. Yesterday, I completed the Female Hormone and Thyroid Plus tests. I will keep you posted on the results. I checked this morning and the blood has been processed, so I expect the results to be posted in my private online portal in the next couple of days. They offer a wide variety of tests, from STI to Cholesterol, etc., for men and women. 

Comment below if you have any of the above symptoms of low testosterone. It is quite common, especially after 40 and if you have ever taken the Pill. After years of attending workshops with the Pelvic Floor Sexual Medicine group, I have learned that once we take hormonal birth control pills, our testosterone is blocked and will never recover. Here is an article about this. And one a more novice friendly

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Until next time, Cheers! 



*Not intended to be used as a diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.  We do not make any claims to be a cure for any condition or disease. All medical decisions should be made with the help of your private practitioner, if you have a medical condition or need medical care or are on medication, please consult your physician.

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