The Desire Trifecta, Part 2: Physical
For fiery desire, it usually isn’t a lack of just one element. In this 2nd installment of the Desire Trifecta, I delve into the physical aspects of desire. For PHYSICAL, there are muscles that can improve desire. You have probably heard of Kegels. And Kegels aren’t just for women. Engaging your pelvic floor muscles brings […]
For Your Listening Enjoyment- Recent Podcasts
Each month my goal is to be a podcast guest on at least one podcast. While everyone encourages me to do my own podcast, that seems daunting to me. Most people don’t know this but I am an introvert. Not that that has much to do with having a podcast I guess, but I do […]
Benefits of Masturbation May
If you know me at all, I preach pleasure and orgasm benefits all the time. I am a walk my talk kinda gal, but sometimes my pleasure interludes aren’t as frequent as I would like. (And please don’t hit me up volunteering to assist me, I’m good.) I get busy like everyone else. This month […]
From Volante KATY THORN·FEBRUARY 21, 2023 6 MINS READ Understanding the dynamics of male orgasms is crucial in the realm of sexual health research. Orgasms are not only a vital aspect of sexual satisfaction but also contribute significantly to psychological and relational well-being. This article delves into the intricate statistics surrounding male orgasms, exploring how […]
7 Surprising Benefits of Self-Pleasure
May is International Masturbation Month as well as Mental Health Awareness Month, a great opportunity to make time for yourself, get to know your body, and prioritize your sexual pleasure. 💋 Masturbation is self-care. Despite its numerous benefits, masturbation is still perceived as a “dirty” act to many people, especially individuals with conservative beliefs. In […]
The Desire Trifecta, Part 1: Mental
Desire… we expect it to just be there and then one day, it isn’t. It can be coaxed out again, and it is helpful to know how to get there. When I work with my clients, they are often surprised to learn that waning desire typically isn’t the result of one single thing. Instead it […]
Sexual Misconception #1: A Few Minutes of Kissing and Groping is Plenty of Foreplay.
Quickies can be awesome but slowing down allows sex to be mindful, increasing pleasure and connection with a partner. This allows for exploration and increased arousal. We often touch each other and forget to feel because we have so much going on in life. This isn’t only for women. Men get in the habit of […]
A BJ for Your V-Day- Sexy Secrets For Your Valentine’s Whisper
The key to a sexy Valentines Day is a pleasurable blow job for the receiver and the GIVER. It’s no secret, men love blow jobs. One of the most common complaints I hear from men is that after they enter into a long term relationship or marriage, blow jobs become few and far between. What […]
Creating a Fake Commute for Self-Care
9 or 10 months into our work from home world, we have learned that we are resilient. Life changes and so do we. While I have worked from home or wherever I lay my head for the past 10 years, that didn’t mean I didn’t drive… A LOT. I live in Southern California. Until it […]
How to Get Your New Years Kiss and Then What to Do Next
This might be the most anticipated New Year’s Eve since Y2K. The world is looking forward to a calmer 2021 for sure. Eminently there are no parties and festivities like normal, because nothing about 2020 has been normal. But that doesn’t have to not include a New Year’s Kiss. So what about that New Year’s […]