The Desire Trifecta, Part 2: Physical
For fiery desire, it usually isn’t a lack of just one element. In this 2nd installment of the Desire Trifecta, I delve into the physical aspects of desire. For PHYSICAL, there are muscles that can improve desire. You have probably heard of Kegels. And Kegels aren’t just for women. Engaging your pelvic floor muscles brings […]
The Desire Trifecta, Part 1: Mental

Desire… we expect it to just be there and then one day, it isn’t. It can be coaxed out again, and it is helpful to know how to get there. When I work with my clients, they are often surprised to learn that waning desire typically isn’t the result of one single thing. Instead it […]
Sexual Misconception #1: A Few Minutes of Kissing and Groping is Plenty of Foreplay.

Quickies can be awesome but slowing down allows sex to be mindful, increasing pleasure and connection with a partner. This allows for exploration and increased arousal. We often touch each other and forget to feel because we have so much going on in life. This isn’t only for women. Men get in the habit of […]
A BJ for Your V-Day- Sexy Secrets For Your Valentine’s Whisper

The key to a sexy Valentines Day is a pleasurable blow job for the receiver and the GIVER. It’s no secret, men love blow jobs. One of the most common complaints I hear from men is that after they enter into a long term relationship or marriage, blow jobs become few and far between. What […]
Life’s Lubricant-Stress and the Sex Connection
The Condom Cop-out
I keep hearing from both men I meet and my girlfriends, that men complain about condoms. A common gripe is that guys can’t stay hard wearing one. I am obviously not a man and don’t know what it feels like, but to me, that sounds like a mental block. I would think a baby or […]
Losing Weight is No Longer My New Years Resolution
Casual Sex Ended My Dieting Fixation Obtaining a certain size or weight was my New Years Resolution for a large part of my life. Thinking back, my body fixation started after my parents went through a divorce, when I was 6. My dad said he was leaving because my mom had gained weight and didn’t […]
Consent for Women Outside of the Bedroom
When I first read this article on Vox about consent violations in the blockbuster movie A Star is Born, I thought it was interesting. I personally had not thought of the author’s observations of the situations as consent issues when I watched the movie. That was, until something happened to me. I typically think of […]
Intimacy, Struggles, and Passion- An Interview with Artist Veronica Blanco
Art That Tells a Story I was recently introduced to the sensual art of Veronica Blanco of Toronto, Canada. I love featuring other women in business and the adult industry. I recently caught up with Veronica for an interview. I was so intrigued about her inspiration. Veronica, I love your work, what is your background? […]
Kissing, Casual Sex, and Intimacy
What do you avoid when you are trying to keep your heart out of sex? I have heard that teens give blow jobs as the new “good night kiss” and partake in anal sex instead of vaginal intercourse. I have even heard that boys are telling girls they will still be a virgin if they […]
Staying In Your Sexless Marriage Is Not Benefiting Your Kids
I often speak to people in a sexless marriage. A sexless marriage is one which sex happens once a month or less. Both men and women tell me they can’t leave the relationship, and ‘stay because of the kids’. What kind of example does this set for the children? I believe it perpetuates mediocre relationships […]
Welcome Back, Sex!
I usually have a few lovers laying around. Or more like around somewhere, when we can get to each other (it is LA, after all and nothing is close). We sext, we email, I am on Tinder occasionally, and I tend to have one or two in the pipeline. The pipeline was bust this time […]