7 Surprising Benefits of Self-Pleasure

yoni flower

May is International Masturbation Month as well as Mental Health Awareness Month, a great opportunity to make time for yourself, get to know your body, and prioritize your sexual pleasure. 💋 Masturbation is self-care. Despite its numerous benefits, masturbation is still perceived as a “dirty” act to many people, especially individuals with conservative beliefs. In […]

Creating a Fake Commute for Self-Care

9 or 10 months into our work from home world, we have learned that we are resilient. Life changes and so do we.  While I have worked from home or wherever I lay my head for the past 10 years, that didn’t mean I didn’t drive… A LOT. I live in Southern California. Until it […]

Losing Weight is No Longer My New Years Resolution

Casual Sex Ended My Dieting Fixation Obtaining a certain size or weight was my New Years Resolution for a large part of my life. Thinking back, my body fixation started after my parents went through a divorce, when I was 6. My dad said he was leaving because my mom had gained weight and didn’t […]

Sexy Secret #4 to Insane Confidence

My 4th Sexy Secret is Don’t Hesitate. Make a decision and stick with it. Hesitation connotates fear of failure. Often we worry too much about being perfect and it is easy to get stuck in that perfection. Confidence is actually more important than competence. A confident person will often surpass someone with all the answers. […]

Sexy Secret #2 for Insane Confidence

Continuing with the 5 Sexy Secrets to Insane Confidence, Sexy Secret #2 is to STAND TALL AND EMBRACE YOUR BODY. A power pose, like the Wonder Woman pose, raising your hands above your head, or even sitting up tall can induce positive hormonal and behavioral changes, and feelings of confidence and outward appearance. An expansive stance […]

Sexy Secret #1 for Insane Confidence

Over the past 15 years, sex in America has declined 22%. Stress, devices, busier lives all contribute to this decline. When we are closed down sexually, we aren’t living our lives fully and are compromising or settling for less. As women, we often put ourselves after everyone else and if we don’t, we feel selfish. […]

Welcome Back, Sex!

I usually have a few lovers laying around. Or more like around somewhere, when we can get to each other (it is LA, after all and nothing is close). We sext, we email, I am on Tinder occasionally, and I tend to have one or two in the pipeline. The pipeline was bust this time […]

Hand Massage Hits the Right Spot

A Favorite Quick Tip! Non-sexual touching has been used as an erotic interlude since Masters and Johnson. These days we are starved for touch, more than ever. We live in cyberspace, buried in our devices. I urge you to connect with your lover tonight. Sometimes one or both of you just don’t have the energy […]

How to Train Yourself to Be More Orgasmic

I used to not have orgasms. I thought I was the only one. Now I know that about 79% of women don’t orgasm during intercourse, and about 12% of women have never had an orgasm! Women often tell me that they can have an orgasm alone but not when with a partner. It is important […]

An InCredible Month!

This past month still has me on a high! I have had a few events which really added credibility to Entice Me. It started out by being a guest on Dr. Gail Jackson’s, “Let’s Talk Hormones” Morning TV show, broadcast online. Dr. Jackson is an amazing doctor who deals with bio-identical hormones which make women […]